M-Tech Innovations Ltd

Code Of Conduct

At M-tech Innovations, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity. Our Code of Conduct serves as a guiding framework for all employees, including our Board of Directors and Senior Management, to ensure that we maintain the trust and confidence of our stakeholders. We pledge to:

  1. Comply with the Law: We respect and adhere to all laws, rules, and regulations of India.
  2. Avoid Conflicts of Interest: We actively strive to prevent any conflicts of interest that could compromise our commitment to the company.
  3. Champion Corporate Governance: We maintain the highest degree of corporate governance practices to ensure transparency and accountability.
  4. Fair Dealings: We treat our customers, suppliers, dealers, investors, competitors, officers, and employees with fairness and respect.
  5. Integrity and Diligence: We act in utmost good faith, exercising due care, diligence, and integrity in all official duties.
  6. Responsible Asset Use: We use the company’s assets, properties, information, and intellectual rights only for official purposes or as per the terms of our appointment.
  7. Protect Company Interests: We safeguard the company’s interests, ensuring they are never compromised.
  8. Whistleblower Support: We encourage and support a whistleblower policy to maintain transparency and address concerns effectively.
  9. Confidentiality: We maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted by the company and acquired during the performance of our duties.
  10. Media Communication: We communicate with the press, publicity media, or outside agencies regarding company matters only through authorized spokespersons.
  11. Safety and Environmental Compliance: We ensure compliance with prescribed safety and environmental norms.
  12. Honesty, Fairness, and Integrity: We act with honesty, fairness, and unwavering integrity in all our dealings.
  13. Avoiding Improper Advantage: We refrain from taking improper advantage of our positions within the company.
  14. Company’s Best Interests: We act in the best interests of the company and its shareholders at all times.
  15. Customer Satisfaction: We are dedicated to achieving total customer satisfaction through our products and services.
  16. Enhancing Reputation: We work diligently to enhance and maintain the reputation of the company.
  17. Equal Opportunity: We provide equal opportunities to employees at all levels, promoting diversity and inclusion while avoiding discrimination.
  18. Safe Working Environment: We ensure a congenial working atmosphere for all, particularly women, and take strict action against any case of sexual harassment.
  19. Intellectual Property Protection: We protect the intellectual property of the company, safeguarding our innovations and creations.
  20. Transparent Decision-Making: We maintain a transparent process of decision-making to foster trust and accountability.
  21. Child Labor Prohibition: We do not engage in or support the use of child labor, promoting responsible and ethical employment practices.

M-tech Innovations is dedicated to conducting its business with the utmost ethics and values, ensuring that our actions reflect our commitment to excellence and integrity.